Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Mithra & Zrvan

Remove Formatting from selection

Monday, November 21, 2005

Several Choices.

There are always several ways to do a thing or solve a problem.
There are always several ways to use things .
Have you ever thought why things are like this?
What is the usefullness of multiple choices?
Where diversity comes from?

Sunday, November 20, 2005

There Must Be Photos.

There must be photos in every Blog.
In fact lots of them is needed.
I think photos add philosophicall
sense to the world around us.
Remember that our ancestors
thought of photography as
stealing of the soul! :)
If you want to have a pleasant tour
in a blog that contains worthy things to see;have a look at Grover Flanagan's blog.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Four steps that everyone has to take.

Those steps are :
1) Action
2) Tactic
3) Strategy
4) Philosophy

Every human being begins going through these steps from birth,and goes from step 1 through 4 according to the intrinsic abilities that is inherent in everyone.
Learning is to smooth the course and boost up the speed of the pace of going through.
Piaget has outlined the overall scheme to a bit.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Nothing is final.

Nothing is final. Nothing is finished.Nothing is determined.
Everything is changing constantly at significant pace.
We are observing these changes;and the most important Q is;
what is/are the base/bases of stability assumption?
Why we assume that some beings ;material or non-material
are constant?Where does this assumption comes from?
[It is clear as diamond that why this Q is crucial]
It may seem ridiculous ;but it comes from MEMORY.
much of our beliefs are bilieved as constant because
we have memory.most of our basic beliefs take advantage
of our memory to appear as constant,non-changing things.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Little Angels.

These little lovely creatures have no mercy for others to
a certain age in their development.
It seems for "having mercy" toward others;nurture plays
the dominant role.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Look at her! Look at her!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Our Roots Are Deep.

What the wedding ring stands for?
It is so archaic ; that nearlly all of us do not have clear response for this simple question.
Our roots aredeep. And exactly because they are so embedded deep in dark ground;
we dare not dig enough to find some of the most important answers to our questions.There are three words that worths digging deep:

1) Fire
2) Cave
3) Sacrifice

Monday, November 07, 2005

Your Opinion Is Crucial.

Which one is the most beautifull one? Why?

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